Does Bed Bath & Beyond Refill SodaStream Canisters?
Bed Bath & Beyond participates in the SodaStream Canister Exchange Program, offering a 50% discount to customers who swap their empty canister for a full one. This offer isn’t available online though, running in brick-and-mortar stores instead.
The way it works is simple: Take your empty SodaStream canister to the Order Pickup desk at your local Bed Bath & Beyond store. The advisor there will then take it and exchange it for a new one, dropping the price 50% to $15.
It’s worth noting that not all Bed Bath & Beyond stores carry SodaStream, so you’ll want to call ahead to find a local store that does before heading over. Some also offer a Curbside Cylinder Exchange if you’d rather stay outside.
There’s no limit to the amount of canisters you can trade in at any given time. Say you want to chop in seven used ones for seven new ones, you’ll only need to pay $105, down from the usual $210, so it pays to think smart and recycle.
While you’re here, you may also be interesting in knowing that Bed Bath & Beyond offers a same-day delivery service on SodaStream canisters, so you can have one at your door before the clock strikes midnight, as long as you order before 7pm.
Of course, the SodaStream Canister Exchange Program doesn’t apply to online orders, but it’s still worth knowing about if you need a refill in a hurry and can’t get to the store today, and take the old canister in and trade it for a new one later.